Laravel Webapp Themes Template free download source code full

Laravel web app template free download source code

And welcome again my friend... after we have share symfony web app , now we have new develope source code project built with laravel the php artisan , on this project we just develope modern website with landing page design, we create a static site no database requipment because we need to make a fast website.
free download laravel web app template source code gratis
Dan halo wan kawan man teman kaka kaka... yiha.. di artikel kali ini kita mau bagiin nih secara gratisan gitu, apalagi kalau bukan kode sumber terbuka seperti biasa nya.. yap di proyek ini kita ngebikin nya tanpa make mysql maupun sqlite alias ga make db kaka.. loh kok ga pakek db ?? ya tentu aja kita pengen nya situs ini bisa cepet jadi kita kesampingkan db nya, dengan no data maka relatif lebih cepet yess... jadi judul nya statis gitu lah... trus ngab.. kodingnya kan ribet nanti ?? tenang ajha disini malah non koding mengkoding lagi kok... tinggal edit doang artikel ganti konten semua beres deh ...
Oke before download this source code maybe you need to demo , so you can run demo here
Test Drive Demo
Now you can download this source code first then we can explain how to install then run in localhost terminal and after your finish change and edit article with your own, so you can upload on your shared/ cloud hosting with you domain. sound good right.. so let's get started and download now...
You can download or clone fork it on our github repo
Github Download
or clone it now
git clone

On this project we using bootstrap absolutley, with bootstrap we can make a website very responsive , with mobile first of course , so when your visitor accsess your site on phone or desktop this display will automaticly follow visitor devices. now before we start to install and run this project, let me explain about a design first. we develope using landing page design on home page area . with landing page design you can inform detail about your product and services.
Jadi man teman dan wan kawan pada kode sumber terbuka gratis ini kita uda desain sedemikian rupa penuh warna, awokwokwokwok.... yapp... jadi kita desain makai hati loh ini kaka... cek aja deh.. xixii... konsep awal dengan landing tentu aja sebagai symbol situs modern ya,jadi kita ikutin aja deh agar kekinian gitu.. nah dari pada penasaran yuk pantengin tampilan nya...
free download laravel web app template source code gratis Full ilustration with blog page article, or you can change with your product or services on blog article page . then you can insert an URL for your product in here, then you can input your contact in footer.
dan man teman di tema template ini kita uda sediain ya, seperti judul deskripsi isi konten plus tentu nya agar menarik kita bisa to the point nempatin halaman produk maupun blog disini, jadi biar mengena gitu deh.
free download laravel web app template source code gratis
Using new navbar style from bootstrap make your site very beautifull , and of course you can change this menu sidebar with you needed, just change menu name and insert an url for menu then save it.
Gak kalah menarik nya kita juga siapin nih biar makin keren ada namanya menu nah di menu itu nanti ada slider bar nya kaka, jadi pas di kliik nah cilukba deh fitur dari halaman site mu ini ditampilin, keren kagak tuh.. dan pastinya juga kamu bisa ganti sesuai ama kebutuhan mu juga ya.
free download laravel web app template source code gratis
Then on article or other page ,you can see a display like this, yeah we design for article or page with simple and clean design in here, you can change article and image too with your own.
Dan di halaman menuju link berita maupun produk kita sudah desain sama yang manis manis dan bersih kaka.. biar makin kece gitu lah...

Installation on Local
Allright now how to install Laravel Webapp Themes Template free download source code full on your local device terminal . for first we need node and composer for run this project so you can download node here → , run installation then after installation success now you need to check , so open your comand prompt or shell terminal and run this code npm -v this command is for check what a version npm you have install on your device, then you can check node versio too with run node -v and if all version displaying on shell terminal so you have successfully installing node on your devices.
Oke now we need to download composer , so you can download composer here →, then install this apps, and for check version you can open shell terminal and run composer -v.Oke now we have download all equipment for work with this source code. now this time to installation.
For first you can visit on desktop then we need create new folder and name it with laravelwebapp, and open your download folder then copy all files to laravelwebapp folder, now we need touch this folder using shell, so you can open shell terminal then run cd C:\Users\yourpcname\Desktop\laravelwebapp , because we no need database so you can run composer install and wait installation, then if installation success now you can run this source code with command php artisan serve now open your web browser and visit localhost:8000 , congratulation now you have installing this laravel web app on localhost. Then you can change any code content image and other with your needed, just open this project file with your code editor, then save for update.
Cloud laravel web app
Allright after we change anything we need to deploy this project on host right, so you website can be online. for first make sure you have a cloud shared hosting and domain, then you can login on cpanel hosting with your username and password, after login now you can install source code project on root domain if you need to installing on or you can make directori if you need to installing with url, or of course you can installing to on subdomain to if you need visit this web app with
Installing on root , if you need install on root so you just need extract this Laravel Webapp Themes Template free download source code full on zip file, then you can visit cpanel hosting then open file manager - public html and upload this file . same if you need to install on other directori so for first you need create folder on your file manager hosting public_html then create new folder and name it with you needed, then upload this file in here, and now you can visit this project on
Then how if you need to installing on subdomain ?? of course for first you need to create subdomain, name it with you needed for example laravel if you wan to accsess your site with, then you can visit your file manager search subdomain and click this menu, then create your subdomain, then accsess file manager hosting, then you can open subdomain folder , and upload source code + extract on this folder, and congratulations now your site is online, then you can visit

Konsep dan skema.
jadi man teman dan wan kawan kita bagiin source code ini pun kita deploy juga di situs kita yes.. pas si bos lagi nyuruh rombak ya kita rombak aja site nya, dan kebetulan keinget si lara jadi deh kita nimang dia untuk bikin website, tapi kenapa sih kita kok makai app ini ?? tentu aja karna populer magic dan kestabilan nya itu yang bikin kita makai si doi. bukan tanpa sebab juga sih karna diluar sana dan khusus nya indonesia banyak banget yang mencintai framework ini sendiri , ya karena kemudahan dan magis nya itu kaka... so akhirnya kita buat deh project dengan laravel.

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singkat cerita karna kita ingin web kita lebih cepat ya akhirnya putusin mbuat statis web aja deh, jadi kita gunain si lara ini non databased . supaya loadnya lebih cepet ketimbang makai db ya.. maklum lah browser juga buta ngeload itu. dan tentunya disini kita buat lain deh karna kita gak mau ada hardcode ya , jadi kita insert dan injeksi aja deh konten, foto link, dan url serta lain nya. terus tentunya dengan gak pakai hardcode pengerjaan lebih lama tapi puas gitu loh kaka,, awokwokwokk.... jadi deh kita desain sedemikian rupa dan konsepnya sih clean simple dan mendukung penuh mobile version jadi makai bootstrap jadi pilihan utama deh, dan setelah selesai kita deploy dong ke web kita yess... teruss.. setelah deploy ya kita edit sedikit artikel konten nya terus kita bagiin deh buat kalian semua, hwehwehwe...
ga papa tu ngab apa kagak sayang tuh sc nya di bagiin? biasa aja kali.. berbagai itu indah kaka.. xixiix... toh juga untuk ngebantu mereka yang butuh membuat website makai laravel juga ya kan.. dengan simple konsep dan mudah di adaptasikan untuk digunakan sebagai situs nya. makin keren dong kaka buat web kamu sendiri makai si lara, ye kan... so begitu deh cerita dan asal muasalnya sc ini. ya semoga ngebantu kalian aja ya kaka.. see ya in next source code project.
And if you need other laravel source code project so you can visit our project here.
Lavablog laravel blog with database →
Larablog laravel blog version 1 →
Larapos laravel point of sale complete →
Laravelpos simple pos cashier →
or you can download all source code project here →
If you need website service so you can contact our team, for make better web app for you.

Text Notes Update

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Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan sangat lengkap include website integrasi ,waitrers, kitchen ,kasir, admin, qr code menu digital , whatsapp online order dalam satu app.

Pembuatan Website Cepat dan SEO
Saatnya kini kembangkan website super cepat tanpa database dengan dukungan SEO di dalam nya.

Typography Hockey Computindo
Mesin Kasir , aplikasi kasir , aplikasi toko, aplikasi restoran, aplikasi bengkel, aplikasi sekolah, pembuatan website terbaru.

Lava Aplikasi Toko Grosir dan Eceran.
Kebutuhan untuk penjualan eceran grosir maka menggunakan aplikasi toko lavaapp adalah pilihan terbaik untuk toko minimarket bisnis usaha mu.

Mesin Kasir
Mesin Kasir terbaru untuk toko minimarket dan mesin kasir restoran cafe rumah makan.

Mesin Kasir Restoran
Restoran cafe rumah makan wajib menggunakan mesin kasir ini, lengkap aplikasi software program restoran waiters kitchen kasir admin all in one.

Mesin Kasir Toko
Sempurna dengan barcode system dan touchscreen metode untuk mesin kasir toko minimarket retail shop.

Pembuatan website modern terbaru
Buat web modern bersama kami dengan react, next, remix, gatsby , angular, svelte , blazor wasm untuk solusi terbarik pengembangan site mu.

Mr.RestoPos Aplikasi Restoran
Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan super lengkap dengan kemampuan waiters , kitchen display, kasir dan admin dalam satu app integrasi website resto cafe rumah makan.

Explore Notes

Product & Services

Dukungan produk dan layanan kami untuk membantu memajukan bisnis usaha mu.

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Mesin Kasir

Pilihan mesin kasir terbaik dengan hardware pilihan.

modern website


Pengembangan website modern technology.

aplikasi kasir toko restoran


Aplikasi kerja untuk menunjang bisnis usaha mu.