New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

New Update Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

Welcome to the artisan family !! long time no touch laravel , we have surprise in new version of laravel, yap.. new features like models folder is ready on laravel apps, so on this source code we have laravel blog new version with new laravel and new composer version, before this we ready develop larablog you can download and see in here → the design is simple if you wan to use simple design, so in new laravel blog we have build new design on css strapbootstrap sb admin on backend.

Here we go a display New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

Home page area, this is a home page area, of you can change code and anything with you needed to develope and build make new modern website using laravel lava cms blog.

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

Blog page format display , on blog area you can see all content and article in here, we have design including image photo blogs , make beautifull your blogs .

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

Content article blog page and if you click on one article you can see the content like this , image in cover including title and description .

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

Login page area for admin to create update or delete content is can visit /admin on your browser for access and login on admin area.

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

And welcome to the artisan family.. after login you can see dashboard admin , in here you can use features like , how to work with this laravel blog cms lava web apps source code free download gratis in tutorial doc menu features , create a content edit and delete content blog , source code menu for akses and download all we source code project , and log out .

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

Create content, for create new article and content you can click on blog menu, then click create new article for create new content blog, and now you can insert title, description, and image in here, include content blog. you need wory about SEO , because we have develop for fully powerfull on SEO, like title ,description and image on post blog is automaticly we generate to meta title and description tag with image too.. and facebook, twitter card is ready, so with using lava blog cms you just need to wrtie a content and article, then SEO is automaticly generate 🤘.

New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis

After save an article you post is not publish , because you can selection first for displaying this contet, you can check if you sure the content is ready to publish , just click on edit then select publish for publishing content article on your blog front end, you can edit and delete or move to draft in blog area page, just click on edit for editing, and select draft if you need draft your article, then click on delete for deleting you content article.

Or you can watch video demo how Simple and very easy to use lava web app blog cms.

Now how to install thsi source code lava web app blog cms New Laravel Blog CMS free download source code gratis ??

Installation progress is same with we another project, you can see the video how to install larablog ,just following , is same progress how to install this source code

For first you need to download this source code on sourceforge or you can fork clone it from github repo.

Download Fork It

After download this source code , now you need to run apache and mysql database with xampp terminal , open on localhost/phpmyadmin , then click create new databased mysql, name the database with lavablog.
Open this source code folder and copy or move all files on your project folder, then click on .env file , edit with text editor you can use notepad ++ or vscode and others, then configure connection, change database name and user password with your local database on php myadmin, and save it. Now your laravel blog is connect with database , oke.. we need to install this source code apps, so you need to install laravel,for this we need composer , so download composer first, then install laravel with open cmd shell terminal and run command composer global require laravel/installer

Congratulations now you have installed laravel on your device , oke now we need to install and run this web app right, so you can open project folder use your shell terminal and run on your project directori example your project folder on desktop , so we need to run command cd C:\Users\userpc\Desktop\projectfolder and now you work on project fodelr, then we need to install package using composer and run command composer install && php artisan key:generate && php artisan serve.

Open localhost:8000 on web browser and you web app is online now, you can login on dashboard admin area with visit /admin , by default you can login with
user name / email : [email protected]
Password : 12345678.

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And if you need custom website design incluing application point of sale or restaurant you can call we team , and touch your dream with us. 🤝

Text Notes Update

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