10 Sep 2020
Larablog Laravel CMS BLog with SEO
Source code laravel blog laravel cms with SEO
Whats is larablog ?? larablog is a blogging platform develope using laravel php artisan for the artisan, simple and easy just focusing for content writer and SEO friendly only on title tags,the logic is if you write a content so you need to focusing on title for seo right, with larablog you have SEO on title tags, with this technology SEO title tags make fast for blogger to create and write th content with title on target SEO, simple and easy for using larablog.
Develope SEO targeting with title tag on blog including title on facebook and twitter card too.is powerfull to build your modern blog using larablog, let get started now with laravel cms laravel blog.

How to install ?? for first we need third party application for run this new modern blogging platform, so you need xampp Download xampp here → for web server including mysql for databased to work on your local terminal machine, and git bash Download git here → , and then composer Download git here →.
Download and run all thir party apps, after download all you need to run this laravel blog laravel cms on sourceforge or on github with git clone or fork it. user download larablog cms
Download NowDownload Larablog Laravel CMS BLog with SEO and extract the file to project folder, now you must run xampp web server, and then create new databased on phpmyadmin just open your web browser and visit localhost/phpmyadmin and then select databased and create new databased , name it with larablog.after success create new databased now import databased just click import and select larablog.sql on your project folder . after import progress is finish you can back to project folder and if your xampp using username and password with your own you need to configure .env file just copy .env example and the rename with .env , open with your text editor and configure user name and password with your xampp , and then we need to run git , so you can right click on project folder - select git bash here. run the command :
composer install && php artisan key:generate && php artisan serve
Then open localhost:8000 on web browser and congrats now you can using new modern blog by laravel .
Fresh clean design make your blog beautyfull. you can visit on admin area for login, and by default you can login with
email : [email protected]
Password : 12345678
Simple fast and light with SEO focusing for content writer and develope using laravel php artisan, be artisan now with laravel.
need alternatif modern cms ?? we have source code with symfony cms blog platform , blast fast and simple full SEO same like laravel blog, just visit here →
Have trouble installation ?? just play video and follow procedure installation.
Indonesia language
Helloo.... buat kamu yang ingin menggunakan laravel sebagai framework dan cms dalam membuat website dan blog maka ada solusi terbaru nih,,, yap larablog, dikembangkan menggunakan php artisan pastinya makin keren untuk membangun website modern kamu, biar makin keren dan beken gaes... ini adalah source code alias sumber terbuka bisa kamu kembangin lagi sesuai ama kebutuhan kamu disini. mudah dipakai dan so pasti fokus nya pada title judul postingan kamu, karena nih sih mimin uda settingin untuk konsen ke SEO on title , kenapa ?? ya karena kan kalau kita ngeblog pastinya kita fokus nya ke judul itu kan, nah karena alasan itu mimin sisipin deh otomatis seo disitu,, selain itu juga sudah di injek facebook dan tweet card title jadi setiap kamu buat konten dan artikel otomatis ngikutin judul dari konten kamu gaess... desain nya pun bisa kamu sesuai in sendiri untuk temanya bisa dirombak sesuka hatimu yes... untuk default nya kita kasih warna merah putih cinta indonesia gitu loh... lanjut cara installasi nya gimana nih... nah ini bikin mimin capek nulis lagi nih,cek diatas ya atau play video installasinya aja.hapy codding gaes.... saat nya keren dan beken sama Larablog Laravel CMS BLog with SEO
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