Free download Resto CMS blugger gratis

Hello again... and we have supprise to you.. yes.. we have develope modern website cms using flatfile cms, so you can built and develope your project with new technology, no need database installation, just download this source code project and upload on your hosting, then run your site !!

Halo man teman dan wan kawan pada proyek kali ini kita sudah ngembangin sebuah cms content management system bahasa keren nya untuk kebutuhan kamu mengembangkan situs lebih cepat irit dan hemat tentunya, dengan konsep metode flatfile cms semakin ngacir pokoknya untuk pekerjaan kamu, dan anti ribet, cukup unduh dan jalankan ke hosting kamu maka aplikasi pembuatan website restoran ini pun sudah berjalan dengan sendiri nya, plus dukungan admin panel untuk bekerja memudahkan mu semakin cepat dalam bekerja.

On this project we have develope and focusing to restaurant business so we built restaurant bludit flatfile cms complete web app, include with backend admin panel make easy for you to update content page and blog. for more detail you can play video demo.

Okay now how look like this source code project ??

Built modern restoran website with resto cms bluger free download source code gratis !!

On home page area you will see all your food and drink menu in here, but no need wory because you can change and customises display with your own, for example you can create sticky post or use position and date for fecth all menu data.

Pada halaman utama area ini akan menampilkan seluruh menu makanan dan minuman kamu uagar lebih memudahkan pengunjung website restoran cafe rumah makan kamu untuk cek detail mengenai menu apa saja yang tersedia disini.

Built modern restoran website with resto cms bluger free download source code gratis !!

When your web visitor visit on one menu , will be redirect to menu detail page, with image cover and content , you can input your menu detail in this menu detail page area on your backend admin panel.

Selanjutnya ada juga halaman detail informasi menu yang nantinya ketika pengunjung klik dan akses salah satu menu maka nanti akan menampilkan detail informasi nya disini, dan kamu juga bisa menambahkan harga menu juga jika dibutuhkan.

Ligthouse website peform - Built modern restoran website with resto cms bluger free download source code gratis !!

Now how about website app peform ?? no need wory because we have develope this source code project gratis with love, and we have tested on lighthouse for peform and speed, so we have optimation this project just for you !!

Selanjutnya bagaimana kinerja nya untuk kebutuhan SEO yang bagus ?? tentunya kami juga sudah memikirkan itu ,maka pada proyek ini kita juga sudah melakukan uji coba dan mendapatkan hasil yang menggemaskan untuk membantu kamu masuk ke halaman google .

You can use terminal and clone repo with run command

git clone -b bluger

or download this repo now

Download Resto CMS

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Okay after you have download source code files, now you need to install this project on your hosting, so login on your hosting panel, and you can upload all source code project on your installation, if you want to install on root for so you can upload this project on root folder or public_html, if you want to run this resto cms site on your sub domain, so for first you can create new sub domain, and upload project in your sub domain folder, and if you need to run on so you can create new folder and name it with your project name , resto for example, and upload this source code resto cms on your project directori folder.

install Free download Resto CMS blugger gratis

After you have upload resto cms on your project folder so you can visit your project domain, for example on root - , for sub domain name so you can visit on and for directori so you can visit on , and now you need to install resto cms, just select language you use and click next.

Password - Free download Resto CMS blugger gratis

Then you will redirect on password area, on this step by default user is use admin, and you just need to input your password for login web app protection. and click install - congratulations you have successfully install Free download Resto CMS blugger gratis on your site.

What Next ??

For first we need to configure your site so login on your backend admin area with visit and login with your user name and password, after login you will see dashboard area, just visit on general and configure title description with your site title and description, and click on advance top menu , customises with you need , don't forget to upload your website logo and save it.

Okay now we need to activate plugins for make your website better on SEO so click Plugins on sidebar - scroll down and you need to activated this plugins and settup with your own.

List plugin need to be active

- Blugger Tags : for diplaying tags
- Blugger Contacts for displaying contact information
- Blugger Categories for displaying all categories
- Open Graph , Twitter Card , RSS Feed , Sitemap - this plugins for SEO

Activate plugins on list and settup with your own, now we need to customises display for plugin so you can click on - Change the position of the plugins - in to top menu and we need to configure plugins like this.

1. About
2. Blugger Categories
3. Bluger Tags
4. Bluger Contact.

For use it just drag and drop plugins.

Okay now you have finsihed your settup for SEO and display, and you can write content article !!

For first need to create categories for grouping your content article page, so click on categories and create new categories in here. after that you can click new content for create new content article, you can click on options menu then insert meta description, cover image and select what article post type, default is for blog post, sticky is blog post on top, and static is for page article. save it for update your article, and all your article will displaying on content menu, so you can edit and delete article in here if you want.

We hope this Free download Resto CMS blugger gratis project can help you for built modern site using flatfile cms no database for fast website and SEO needed.

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All source code project free download gratis →

Text Notes Update

Temukan aplikasi toko,aplikasi restoran,aplikasi bengkel, aplikasi sekolah, aplikasi invoice , aplikasi akuntansi , aplikasi ekspedisi disini.

Bang Resto Aplikasi Restoran
Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan sangat lengkap include website integrasi ,waitrers, kitchen ,kasir, admin, qr code menu digital , whatsapp online order dalam satu app.

Pembuatan Website Cepat dan SEO
Saatnya kini kembangkan website super cepat tanpa database dengan dukungan SEO di dalam nya.

Typography Hockey Computindo
Mesin Kasir , aplikasi kasir , aplikasi toko, aplikasi restoran, aplikasi bengkel, aplikasi sekolah, pembuatan website terbaru.

Lava Aplikasi Toko Grosir dan Eceran.
Kebutuhan untuk penjualan eceran grosir maka menggunakan aplikasi toko lavaapp adalah pilihan terbaik untuk toko minimarket bisnis usaha mu.

Mesin Kasir
Mesin Kasir terbaru untuk toko minimarket dan mesin kasir restoran cafe rumah makan.

Mesin Kasir Restoran
Restoran cafe rumah makan wajib menggunakan mesin kasir ini, lengkap aplikasi software program restoran waiters kitchen kasir admin all in one.

Mesin Kasir Toko
Sempurna dengan barcode system dan touchscreen metode untuk mesin kasir toko minimarket retail shop.

Pembuatan website modern terbaru
Buat web modern bersama kami dengan react, next, remix, gatsby , angular, svelte , blazor wasm untuk solusi terbarik pengembangan site mu.

Mr.RestoPos Aplikasi Restoran
Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan super lengkap dengan kemampuan waiters , kitchen display, kasir dan admin dalam satu app integrasi website resto cafe rumah makan.

Explore Notes

Product & Services

Dukungan produk dan layanan kami untuk membantu memajukan bisnis usaha mu.

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Mesin Kasir

Pilihan mesin kasir terbaik dengan hardware pilihan.

modern website


Pengembangan website modern technology.

aplikasi kasir toko restoran


Aplikasi kerja untuk menunjang bisnis usaha mu.