31 May 2021
Free download website doc themes template - ducosaurus
Doc Website template free gratis download
If you need to create a documentation themes template website so you can using ducosaurus, simple blast and fast for develope your modern documentation website .

home page with light mode

Home page on dark mode

Documentation page features

Documentation website dark mode

Blog Page features

Blog page on dark mode
How to install ?? for first you need download node → , install node, then open with run cmd on start windows. check node with run command node -v
Now we need to download this source code gratis, you can download on sourceforge or fork we repo on github.
How to install ?? for first extract folder download , then right click on folder and open node , then run command npm install && npm run start
After installation success now you can visit localhost:3000 on web browser.
Congratulations now you new modern website documentation using ducosaurus is live.
Change code with your own, now you can accsessing on doc folder for change documentation article post, using markdown lang very fast for change anything. for change blog you need to open blog folder and select or create new article post in here. for change home page just visit on src/pages/index.js open with code editor then edit it. for setting SEO you can change on docusaurus.config.js .
Cara membuat website dokumentasi menggunakan ducosaurus
Oke gaes.. kali ini kita akan mengulas bagaimana sih membuat website dokumentasi yang simple jelas dan cepat, salah satu nya kamu bisa menggunakan ducosaurus inget bukan dinosaurus yes... selanjutnya berbagai prosedur musti kamu ikuti, seperti patuhi protokol kesehatan wkwkw... oke lanjut deh gegs... node wajib sudah terinstall... trus download source code ini via link download gratis diatas, extract folder download dan buka dengan git atau node kamu dan jalankan perintah "npm install" lalu "npm run start" sudah selesai kini kamu buka web browser localhost:3000 dan selamat deh web dokumentasi kamu sudah ngacir gaess... , selanjutnya untuk edit koding ikuti langkah diatas ya.. semoga bermanfaat...
Hapy codding..............