19 Jul 2022
BlackCar Service Free Template Download Source code full
Black Car Service - limousine service - rent car - Free Template Download Source code full - full SEO with sveltekit
Hello... again... long time no share our source code project... oke... on this time we have develope a modern site built with sveltekit for best solutions to touch your great SEO score on lighthouse and optimation on page speed, include with svelte:head same like react helmet this is for injection the auto SEO on your site. on this project you can't see hardcode again.. because we develope this template themes with json file, so with json you can easy to change and customise your content article programatic.This project is with complete black car service,limousine service free download source code full , so you can change any code for design , and content with your own.. and yeah.. you can upload and online this site on your shared cloud hosting or on static host like vercel, netlify ,heroku , firebase and other , with svelte kit we can develop single page app or you can use SSG static site generator. very slim and fast for built you modern site using this free template themes.
Oke before we explore about this project , we recommended you to see the report how this project is powerfull for help your bussiness.

Lighthouse score - and yap on google lighthouse we have a great score.. perfect with all touch on 100, like a SEO , and other. and of course on peform we touch on 99 point . This is because in the development process we use a good structure and can be easily read by Google, therefore we get a satisfactory score here.Of course, this score will make it easier for you to get to the front page of Google. and don't forget your content support also affects it, so check and improve your content, to get perfect results.

After we checked and tested in lighthouse now we move to google page speed ,how is this project performing on mobile devices , well... we also get a very perfect score here close to 100 points this is a good thing to fully support your site, especially in terms of access via mobile, this is because of the increasing number of mobile users for internet access needs.

Oke now we move to Dekstop peform report - The good thing we also get on access via desktop with incredible speed performance makes your site perfect, and in full it will really help your site.By passing all the tests from the Google ecosystem, and getting good results, this project makes it easier for you for various needs, such as creating a limousine service website, car service, and vehicle rental. you can use it, download it now and it's free to share.
Oke now before we download this project or source code, for first you need to install and download node js and visual code studio, because we need to work with it. so download now and install on your device. or for fast and easy step you can fork our github repo on your account then you can deploy it .
Download Node js →
Download and install node js , then you can check node version , with open terminal or click on windows logo icon on keyboard and type cmd, then you can see terminal or command prompt will dispaying, now you can run this code
node -v
for check node version, and run npm -v
for check npm version.Download Visual Studio Code →
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/blackcarservice.git
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Okay before we work on and install this project, you need to know how the design looks on this theme.

Home page display - this is a home page area, the concept is very simple with navigation link to home page, and premium version , and link to github repo. then on post article, you can inform welcome page to your site visitor, in here.. for make easy to switch to another page menu , we have button menu on top page, so with this menu , very fast and easy for visitor to change another page.
If you need to change design for this page, you can visit on src/routes and visit on index, then change design with your code here.

About page - this is for information about your company , so you can inform detail about your company car service in here.. like the history, your service, and others.. for change this design you can visit on src/routes/about.svelte open with code editor and change design theme with your code.

Fleet gallery - Of course, all car and limousine service businesses, have a special page to display their fleet, this is to attract visitors and customers. This page is specifically for displaying some of your vehicle fleets, include with pictures and you can provide brief information about your vehicle list.

Pro page - this is another page, you can change it for dispalying information about your other page, like contact, book page, and another what you need . on this page we make inform about our premium website service with modern themes template build with new technology for support your bussiness.

Mobile design view - no need wory with using bootstrap framework make your UI design can be accsess on multi devices, like accsess from mobile phone, tablet and desktop. its display will automatically adjust based on the devices accessed from your site visitors.
Oke now we have download BlackCar Service Free Template Download Source code full , you open or visit your desktop on pc / laptop, then you can create new folder , name it with blackcar , now we need to accsess this folder using terminal, so open terminal or command prompt, with push windows logo on keyboard and typing cmd press enter, now you can see command prompt / terminal bash pop up , and we need to accsess blackcar folder on desktop with run
cd C:\Users\userpcname\Desktop\blackcar
- need to change userpcname with your pc name.after we have accsess this project folder using terminal, now we can install source code with run installation command npm install
. now you can deploy this project on your local web browser with run npm run dev
then visit localhost:5173 from your web browser, and congratulations now you have run this project succsessfully.PROJECT FOLDER STRUCTURE
On this source code we use JSON file, so you not need work with hardcode, for change article content or text you can visit on src/data/page.json , open with code editor , then you can change article in here... for title, description SEO, or change home page , about page, and fleet information.
If you need to change fleet gallery so you can upload your image on lib/fleet folder, then export image on your fleet page.
For change design and display , you can visit on src/routes - you can change design theme in here with your code. just open page file with your code editor and change with you needed.
We hope this source code can help you to make and create car service , limousine website for free with this template.
And if you need to premium themes , so you can order our pro premium themes, you can select what favorite your website technology, and get start built modern website , you can use single page app with gatsby js, react, angular, svelte, or use SSG with eleventy, astro, jekyll , or need backend admin panel so we can use CMS like MODX revolutions, Pico CMS , Get Axcora, cms without database, make your site blast and fast.on PHP you can use PHP native and laravel.
Our premium for car and limousien website with SEO.

Black Car Premium - This is a premium version from blackcar web app, same like free version, the black car premium is built using modern technology with svelte kit, but on this project we use SSG version for sveltekit, so not use single page app, this is because we need to deploy project on our cloud hosting cpanel. so we need built with html version SSG.
The black car premium version include with : 6 page - home , about, service, fleet, book, contact. On book page we use google form, so you can integration your google form in here for handling customer order. displaying all vehicle information like grandlimousine, sedan , party bus or other on fleet page, and detail service information.
Check and play video demo →

Limousine Website service - premium version for limousine website service. with this themes make your site powerfull , this is because we develope it with gatsby js, make your site fast with single page application , and include with SEO injection to help your site touch google page.The design structure sticks to the Google ecosystem, making it perfect for supporting your limousine service business, of course, with the support of Gatsby technology, making your site luxurious and comfortable.Now is the time to feel the sensation of a modern site with a single page app, with gatsby, and start now.
Check and play video demo →

Cyber Car website - A new and modern website for car service, limousine service, using many animation make this site very attractive , unique , and interesting. this project built with svelte kit, using single page app version, so you can accsess this website without loading anymore on switch page, same like gatsby and react, svelte kit using svelte:head for SEO injection, to make your site better on google.
Check and play video demo →
If you need our web services so you can hire our team for develope your modern website with google ecosystem.
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