26 Mar 2022
New Pelician template pecliando phyton
Build modern website with pelcian buat web dengan phyton pelician gratis free download source code
If you need to learn and how to build a modern webite using phyton so you can use django or flask when you need to deploy on shared cloud hosting, but if you need build with static generator so you can use pelician , blast fast and superior on cloud , pelician is a best choice for create blog , simple website , with markdown you can develope web easy. the concept is no need admin backend and database configuration, simply you just deploy on local server terminal on your pc then build and export output on your static host. and your website is live.
Baiklah wan kawan dan man teman pada kesempatan ini kita akan membagikan sebuah free download open source code gratis berbasis phyton , yap kita akan menggunakan pelician untuk bekerja dalam kebutuhan membangun situs kamu, jika sebelumnya kita sudah membahas membuat web dengan django dan flask maka kali ini kita akan mencoba menyetuh pelician. sebuah statis site generator dari phyton untuk mu. dan tentunya ini bekerja penuh dengan markdown file akan membantu mempercepat proses bloging, membuat website info,hingga news secara gratis dengan hadirnya project tema ini.
Installation Phyton and Node
For first you need download phyton and install on your local machine terminal or pc dekstop laptop, downlod new phyton version →.Then install phyton , and you need to download node too, because we need work with node so download node →.
Oke now we need to test installation progress, click on windows logo then typing cmd and enter now you can comand prompt / shell terminal, for check node installation you can run with this code
node -v
if shell terminal display a node version congratulation you have successfully installing node npm on your device, now we need to open and test phyton.open shell terminal again and insert py
if shell terminal displaying phyton version congratulation you have install phyton on your devices.So what next ?? for sure you need to installing pelician first before use peliciando web app, so let's get started install pelician , for first you need to create new folder name it with your proejct or peliciando locate on desktop, now we need to locate project on node , just open shell terminal and run
cd C:\Users\Pcname\Desktop\peliciando
change pc name with your pc name, then you can install pelician just open shell terminal again and run python -m pip install "pelican[markdown]"
this function for create pelician website supporting with markdown,we can fast create content using markdown lang. next step we need to create enviroment first so run python -m venv venv
,then activated with run venv\Scripts\activate
Oke now we can test drive pelician with run this code pelican --listen
then open on web browser visit localhost:8000. Yeah... you have install a pelician site , for stopping server you can press ctrl+C
on keyboard. oke now how to install peliciando web template ?? Of course you need to download on our github repo . before download you need to know how this web app work, let's get started.Github Download
or you can clone / fork repo with run
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/peliciando.git
How fast this web using pelician or Need a demo ??
Test Drive Demo →
Peliciando phyton pelician display
Home page area - this is a home page area build using pelician phyton, with features : page list categories on menu , then post article with 10 page by default on home page, new article page and all article post page will displaying in here, then on footer you can insert a page menu, link menu, contact menu , and social menu with your own.
Baiklah wan kawan man teman supaya gak penasaran nih ye disini sudah ada tampilan dari halaman awal , kita bisa lihat konsep nya memudahkan banget dan tertata rapi tentunya ya berbeda dengan kebanyakan default tema dari pelician maka disini kami lebih fokus kan agar lebih menarik dengan adanya foto biar keren gitu sih, terus disini kita membatasi artikel dengan 10 halaman saja yang dimuat nanti ada navigation nya juga kok jangan kawatir, atau kamu bisa merubah berapa jumlah post dengan masuk ke konfigurasi nya.
Another page with potrait image - This for example when user or web visitor click on same article page with potrait image, cover with image potrait then title and content .
Jadi pada tampilan lain nya kita bisa melihat dan cek bagaimana pada halaman ini akan memuat cover foto menjadi lebih menarik kemudian ada judul dan selanjutnya isi artikel kamu disini. ini benar benar membuat makin keren dong yess...
Other page with mobile design landscape image - on this area for example if you use landscape mode cover image, so you can see cover image with landscape and title include content article in here.
Jadi man teman setelah tadi awal contoh potret maka disini kita bisa menggunakan contoh landscape disini. sama sih tampilan post nya cover , judul dan deskripsi nya.
Installation Peliciando Phyton pelician web free download gratis
After download source code on github repo now you need to install this template, how do this ?? for first you can visit on venv folder or details like thisvenv\Lib\site-packages\pelican\themes
and paste peliciando folder in here. Now we can back to project folder then open pelicanconf.py file, just open and edit with your text editor , you can use notepadd ++ or visual code studio, you can download notepad ++ here →You can copy and paste this configure files on your pelicanconf.py
AUTHOR = 'your name'
SITENAME = 'Pelician Phyton Website Title'
SITEURL = 'example.com'
# inject a pelciando themes
THEME = 'peliciando'
PATH = 'content'
# your time zone
TIMEZONE = 'Asia/Jakarta'
# web lang here
# Feed generation is usually not desired when developing
# Page menu for change page on web display
('Home', 'https://example.com'),
('About', 'https://example.com/about.html'),
('Product', 'https://example.com/product.html'),
('Order', 'https://example.com/order.html'),
('Contact', 'https://example.com/contact.html'),
# Links area for change link menu in here
LINKS = (('Phyton', 'https://www.python.org/'),
('Pelician', 'https://blog.getpelican.com/'),
('Peliciando', 'https://github.com/mesinkasir/peliciando'),
('Axcora', 'https://axcora.com/getaxcoracms'),
('Pico', 'https://axcora.com/picobook'),)
# Social widget for insert your social menu here.
SOCIAL = (('Facebook', 'https://fb.com/mesinkasircomplete'),
('Instagram', 'https://instagram.com/mesinkasircomplete'),
('Youtube', 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQDm6k9_HvYP5hlwkvNRYFColHFkyeRlM'),
('Github', 'https://mesinkasir.github.io'),)
# for contact page on website
CONTACTS = (('Whatsapp', 'Link Wa here'),
('Call Us', 'Phonelink here'),
('Email', 'your email here'),
('Map', 'Map Url here'),)
# many article will displaying on home page website
# Uncomment following line if you want document-relative URLs when developing
Change or copy and paste with this configuration, and make sure you have change all link in here. then save it.
Now how to create an article ?? just open project folder / pecliando - then open content folder - peliciando/content and now you can see .md files in here. for create new you can easy with create a new text file and name it with your content with md for example myfirstpost.md
Open myfirstpos.md files and you can create content with this format.
Title: My First Post
Date: 2022-03-15 10:20
Category: POst
# This is article Markdown here
You can write with markdown or html in article here.
h1 = #
h2 = ##
h3 = ###
List you can use - or +
Image = 
Link = [this is link](url)
After write content you can save it.
Just write all content in here, and save all your content article , make sure you not run pelician listen, because we have create and update article right, so for first you need to build production or update , for save and diplaying all update you can run
pelician content
and now your website is update .now you can run phyton pelician website with run this command
pelician --listen
and open localhost:8000. congratulations now your website is update with new article .Oke if you have finish this web project so you need to deploy on real live server right , because we need this website run online. for first you can deploy it on static host server, so you can create and register account on vercel, heroku, or surge and other static site website. for simple deploy you can use surge - we have cloud static hosting and domain for free if you wan to use surge so you need to install surge first.
open projectfolder/pecliciando/output and run this code
npm install --global surge
then you can cloud your website with run
then input email address , password and your free surge domain name example.surge.sh press enter and your website is live now. congratulations..!!If you need deloy on firebase hosting so you need to regsiter then create a console project , select hosting and create new console project, then ou can run this command
npm install -g firebase-tools
for installing firebase cli , then login using cli firebase login
and run firebase init
then run your website on firebase host just run firebase deploy
and visit yourwebsite.firebaseapp.comNow if you need to deloy on netlify heroku or vercel you can register and create account , then login with your account, now we need to upload source code project pelician/output folder on your repo, so you can use github - create account and register on github , then create new repo name it with peliciando, and upload all source code in your github repo,after finishing upload all file we need to integration and connect with your heroku / vercel / netlify account then back on netlify / heroku or vercel account create new project name it with your website and click create new project then Import Git Repository and select your github repo. and run deploy, congratulations now you have complete cloud your web app build using phyton pelician.
Yap itulah cara bagaimana melakukan installasi nya pahami aja yes.. dan perlu diketahui mengapa memilih pelician sendiri ?? tentu saja karena peforma akan kecepatan nya, kemudahan dalam implementasi untuk digunakan, karna kita bisa bekerja via offline mode untuk itu, artinya kita membuat dahulu pada computer kita, dan kemudian build lalu di cloud kan, istilah nya seperti itu, ini sangat cocok bagi kamu yang suka deploy situs via local dulu sebelum live ke host, sama hal nya seperti jekyll dan hugo maupun eleventy astro dan lain nya, hanya saja mesin yang digunakan berbeda seperti itulah kira kira, awal saya menggunakan pelician ini sekedar penasaran aja ama keperkasaan technology dari phyton, mulai dari django dan flask pernah coba, tapi yang satu ini awal muawal nya agak kebingungan sih karna dokumentasi nya beda banget ama kenyataan.seperti bagaimana cara mengganti tema dari pelician, membuat tema dan lain nya. karna saya terbiasa dengan live reload seperti contoh gatsby setiap perubahan akan ditampilkan langsung, isitlah nya update gitu apapun yang kita ubah, atau kalau makai eleventy dan jekyll biasanya langsung update ketika refresh page, nyatanya pada pelician ini kita musti jalankan perintah pelician content setiap memasukan dan merubah nya , baru setelah itu otomatis akan berubah sesuai update yang kita lakuin, agak lama sih menurut saya dibandingkan dengan technology modern saat ini, jadi musti jalanin bolak balik pelician content ini kalau mau cek dan liat tampilan nya, tapi beda orang beda kenyamanan ya.. tentunya disesuaikan juga ama kenyamanan si dev untuk menggunakan nya. so pastinya ada sensasi sendiri lah buat situs dari pelician ini, dan kebutulan kita tes deploy ke firebase kamu bisa cek di https://rakgondola.web.app →. secara peforma kecepatan luar biasa oke aja sih, dan lain nya hampir sama ama static site lain nya.
Secara default pada SEO nya oke juga karna otomatis merender kan title, dan deskripsi ini mengambil kalimat konten paling atas pada strukturnya, dan pada tema kami ini pun sudah kita insert juga facebook ,twitter card hingga gambar dan icon otomatis ngikuti cover dari situs nya , secara kita sama kan lah ama settingan sourcecode lain nya untuk kebutuhan SEO nya sendiri khusus nya pada meta tag ya.
Tampilan display pun makin keren karna ada satu artikel menjadi master adalah artikel terbaru, selanjutnya artikel lain berurutan berada dibawah nya, dan tentunya kita bisa setting berapa maksimal artikel yang ditampilin , nanti ada navigasi seperti next artikel gitu sih. dan secara keseluruhan membuat webiste dengan phyton pelician memiliki tantangan tersendiri sih.dan sampai sini dulu sampai jumpa di source code free download gratis selanjutnya.
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