29 Oct 2021
Membuat Aplikasi run android ionic + source code gratis download free
How build and run android app ionic

And of course ionic support with modern web app technology framework or libary like angular, react typescript or js vue and others. with multi fw support so you can use your fav framework and get started build mobile application or new modern website app.
Get started with ionic
For first you need to installing node js on your device you can download node js in here →
node -v
and your shell terminal will displaying your node version , congrats node is run your device. now we need to install ionic globaly, you can run this commandnpm install -g @ionic/cli
After ionic installing on your device you need to create a new project ,so you can run this command for build new project
ionic start
Then you can select from your fav framework build new project, you can select angular if you familiar with angular, or you can use react / vue . select one then enter, and new project apps is ready for develope, now you can open new project folder, then you can run with command
ionic serve
if you use angular framework, or you can run with ionic start
if you work with react /vue. then you can work with new project folder app for build mobile /web apps. and of course you can run in android or ios emulator device using capacitor for build bundle apk and app project.
For android you need to have android studio , so you can download and install android studio here →
Don't forget to change and rename your apk apps ,just open file capacitor.config.json on your project and change code
Oke now you need to run
ionic capacitor add android
, then android folder is ready on your project folderthen you need run command
ionic build
and we can test drive on android studio , now you need to run command
ionic capacitor copy android
. then you can see on shell terminal where android folder location."appId": "io.ionic.starter", => change with your apps example com.axcora.ionicapp
"appName": "ionicstart", => change this is your app name
Now you can project folder with android studio for build apk app and bundle with you needed, for first you need to activated and use virtual phone , so you can click on AVD manager , and select phone type. and install this virtual device,then you can run your ionic project on virtual device.
Run apps on real device, if you need to run your project on real device like your android phone so you can connect phone with usb cable , remember for first you need activated usb debug on android phone, after connect with phone you can run on your real phone with , clik on virtual device and select your phone in a list. and viola... your mobile app project is run on your real device.
Live reload
And if you need to activated live reload or hot reload so you no need refresh page so you can use this command
ionic capacitor run android -l (ip address)
for android device and you can run command ionic capacitor run ios -l ip address
for ios.now how we can look ip address ?? you can open shell terminal then run with
and you can see your ip address.Ionic Source code
Well if you need learn and build mobile apps so you can download we source code project build with angular and react typescript. just download it and then install on your devices.or you can visit our blog page and read how to install and you can customise our source code project on live code editor online. download now and install
Ionic Mobile Angular Apps →
Ionic React Typescript Apps →
Membuat Aplikasi run android ionic + source code gratis download free
Baiklah man teman wan kawan kita jumpa lagi..... kali ini kita lagi mau share nih gimana sih bangun dan membuat aplikasi android ios dan website dalam satu bahasa aja, ya tentunya dengan menggunakan ionic, kenapa sih memilih ini , tentu saja lebih mudah khusus nya untuk web developer yang biasa nya ngeliatin si html css ama si js kan ya, nah bahasa dari ionic ini sendiri prkatis lebih mudah karna berbasis itu sih,, ini lah alasan kenapa framework ini biasa digunakan pada web developer untuk ngebangun mobile app nya, dan memungkin kan juga untuk upload ke playstore google karna ya dengan ini kita bisa bangun semua sekaligus untuk mobile app aplikasi android maupun untuk website, istilah nya sekali dayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui, atau sambil menyelam minum air, bisa juga masak air.... masak aairrr... opie kumis mode on...Nah gimana nih cara installasi sama njalanin plus build langsung jadi aplikasi andorid ?? ya kamu simak aja cara diatas yess... kalau mau download gratis juga ada bahan nya kok, bisa kamu ubah sesuai kebutuhan kamu, klik pada source code kita ya.. dan semoga bermanfaat nih, gimana cara ngebuat aplikasi android dan ios dengan framework ini. oke gaess..