React Website template free download source code - create simple web with react

React Website template free download source code - create simple web with react

Now we learn about how to build and develope new modern website using react, yap, in this source code we have develope using react javascript, and next we develope using react typescript. you can download source code for free for learn how to build new modern website using react.

Why must react ?? because easy to learn and use for build your project,in this template themes including 6 page and 1 download link page, you can change any code and content with you needed, using new bootstrap make this site very responsive. let's get started now..

You can test drive before download Test Demo

OKe kaka kaka sekarang saat nya kita sinau alias belajar bagaimana sih membuat website dengan react, nah kali ini kita makai nya yang javascript yak,, nanti ada deh yang typescript dengan simple system nya. gratis download source code nya bisa kamu pelajarain dan gunakan untuk membuat web modern kamu dengan react. lanjuttt.....

Here we go a display themes

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Home page area

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Some page area

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Example page area

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Other page area

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Gallery page area

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Contact page area

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Home page mobile view

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Other page mobile view

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Gallery page on mobile view

bagaimana cara membuat website dari react untuk pemula, how to create new modern website using react for beginer with source code free download gratis.

How to install ??

For first you need download node for work with this themes, so you can download node , then install and run , how to run node just open your terminal shell or command prompt, then check version with run command node -v , if your shell terminal displaying node version congratulation now node is successfuly installed on your device.

Nah sekarang cara install nya gimana nih, secara kan butuh dulu install sana sini, yap,,, tinggal cek diatas yes.. lakukan sesuai petunjuk nya aja maka nisacaya kamu akan bercahaya...

Then we need install react globaly on your device , just open node npm again and run command npm install react.cli -g , after you have installed react now we need to download this free source code , you can download from sourceforge or github just click button ,Lanjutt.... saat nya kamu install sama persis seperti diatas , dan kamu perlu unduh berkas nya di bawah ini pilih dimana kamu mau mengunduh nya secara gratis ya.


And now...... (bruce buffer intro..) you can open download file folder then extract all to your project folder, just paste all in your project folder then you need to installed, how to install ?? just open shell terminal node npm and run command npm install after insallation success , you need to run this new modern web app. just run with command npm start then open localhost:3000 on your web browser . congratulation now your new modern website is ready for develope with you needed.

nah setelah melakukan petunjuk diatas , selamat deh kini kamu uda bisa nggunain dan membuat website modern dengan react , makin keren kagak tuh.. iye kan,., dan kamu bisa sebarin berita keren ini ke sosmed kamu, wa temen temen kamu dan bapak ibu juga wa in aja, kasih tau kalau kamu sekarang uda bisa buat web dari react :D.

How to change any code and content , you need to open src folder then open .js file with your text editor and change all content with your own, thats it.. very simple right.. let's learn react with modify a code with you needed. nah lanjut untuk ganti artikel dan lain nya kamu ikuti aja deh petunjuk diatas dan ganti sakarepmu atau sesuka mu yes..

Here we go source code live edit with your own.

Text Notes Update

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