How to create single app website using riot - cara membuat web modern

Develope single page website using riot

Helo again... now we learn about riot js, a simple and blast fast with light js framework for build new modern website with single page app techno, of course including milligram and bootstrap css make this web app very simple and elegant.

Pak bu mbak mas.. kali ini kita akan belajar ngebuild single page web app menggunakan riot dejaneirot yes.. nah sudah include ama source code bisa kamu free download gratis untuk mendalami nya,makin manteb gak tu my man...

Play video for check demo how this web app work

And template themes display source code.

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On mobile view

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Home page area

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info page

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profile page

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Gallery page

Of course you can editing code and content with your needed.

How to install and use ?? for first you need to install node or git, download and install node here → , after download you can install it.and of course you can check with open your shell terminal with run command : npm --version , then shell terminal is displaying node version, and congratulation node is successfully installed, and now we need to install riot right, so you can open shell terminal / NPM with run command : npm i riot for installing riot on your desktop.

Oke kawan kawan selanjutnye ye.. kalian perlu ada node npm pada dekstop kalian unduh dulu ya ada diatas link unduhan nya, dan lakukan installlasi nya, nah kalau sukses selamat kini si node sudah terinstall dan siap digunakan untuk berdansa, oke selanjutnya buka comand prompt kamu , klik logo windows dan ketikan cmd lalu enter nah selanjutnya masukan kode diatas yak.. untuk melakukan installasi nya.

And now you must download this source code, so download it from sourceforge or you can download fork or clone from github. nah saat nya mengunduh gaes link nya ada tombol dibawah ini langsung gass ken bosqu...

Github download

After download you can extract on your project folder , then you can run installation first using npm or gitbash just run with command npm install after installation success, now you need to run again with npm start. and your new modern website with single page application or you can call it progresive web apps is online now. just visit localhost:3000 on your web browser.

Mah man temen cek ya cara install nya diatas ikutin aja deh petunjuk nya, niscaya kamu akan bercahaya ,, cie cie... oke lanjut... makin keren kan buat web siap pakai dengan source code free download ini, tinggal kamu uklak uklik alias edit deh kode kode dan konten nya sesuai ama kebutuhan mu...

If you need we have source code build with riot to.. visit here →

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Text Notes Update

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Explore Notes

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