Minimals Pelican SEO

Free download themes template pelican minimalist and clean with auto SEO support.

Free download themes template pelican minimalist and clean with auto SEO support.


  • Python Lang
  • Pelican Technology
  • Static Site Generator
  • Markdown Support
  • Auto SEO Injection
  • Sitemap Ready
  • Robots.txt Ready
  • Production Build Host
  • Documentation Ready
  • Full Source Code Themes Template Project

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themestemplate website themes website template blog themes blog template template blog cms backend frontend clean minimalist unique python pelican pythonthemes pelicanthemes jamstackthemes freethemes

Let's develope your modern website with JAMSTACK python technology, pelician static site generator.

Installation # .

Before start with this project you need to install python and pelican static site generator.

Install Python # .

First you need to download and install python in to your devices, how to install python in to mac , windows or linux you can read python documentation,you can skip this step if you have install python in to your device.

Install PIP # .

Afer download and install python , now we need to install PIP too.. , how to install pip you can read pip documentation , you can skip this step if you have install PIP in to your device.

Install Virtual Env # .

And yess... now we need to install vitrualvenv in to your devices, you can read how to install venv here , you can skip this step if you have install venv in to your device.

Install Pelican # .

Now you can install pelican we have two options, first for new installation setup, and second if you have pelican project ready , so you just need to install the minimals themes in to your project.

New Installation # .

The next step we need to install pelican in to your device, so you can follow how to install pelican here

Or if you use windows os you can follow this step

Open terminal or CMD and run py -m pip install "pelican[markdown]"

Next we need to create virtualenv in to your python pelican project so you can run this command

virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/pelican
cd ~/virtualenvs/pelican
source bin/activate

Alternative if you have create venv for your python pelican, you can easy to run venv\Scripts\activate in to your python pelican installer location.

Themes Installation # .

Quick Start

  • create venv on pelican project and activate
  • download source code minimals pelican
  • create new folder name it with themes on your project folder
  • upload minimals to themes folder or run git clone
  • open on your pelican project folder
  • insert THEME = 'themes/minimals' on , or open from source from minimals/static/example-content` and copy all in to your project.

After you have activate venv for your python pelican project, next we need to install minimals themes.

Access your venv folder with terminal, and access your pelican themes folder on venv\Lib\site-packages\pelican\themes create new folder name it with minimals next you can download minimals pelican themes - open zip files, and extract copay all files in to the minimals folder , complete folder themes project location venv\Lib\site-packages\pelican\themes\minimals

Download and Install from github repo # .

Alternative you can clone from our github repo, for first access on venv/pelican/themes next you can easy run clone form github git clone

After you have clone the repo, now you can rename from minmals-pl to minimals folder.

Activate Minimals Themes # .

Ok, after you have install python, pip, venv, and pelican , now it's time to manage your project, for first open your minimals pelican themes on minimals folder, next step you can open the static folder, what you need is copy in to your site project.

Switch Pelican Themes # .

Now we need to switch default pelican themes and activate your minimals themes open with code editor, and you can switch from default themes to be minimals.

Change on this line code

THEME = 'themes/minimals'

and save it.

Test Run Minimals Themes # .

now we can try to run this themes with run pelican content after that run pelican --autoreload --listen and open localhost:8000

Congratulations, you have activate the minimals new pelican themes

Setup Your Site # .

Now we need to setup your site, so let's get started !!

open and customise with your needs.

Configuration and SEO Pelican Website Project # .

We need to add the domain name ,author and setup your SEO, you can change on this line code.

AUTHOR = 'your author here..'
SITENAME = 'Your website title in here..'
SITEURL = "insert your domain name here.."
FAVICON = 'add url link for your favicon image here..'
SITESUBTITLE = 'Description for SEO your site here..'


AUTHOR = 'creativitas'
SITENAME = 'Minimalis Pelican Themes'
FAVICON = '/static/images/pelican.png'
SITESUBTITLE = 'A minimalis themes for python pelican static site generator project'

Header and Navbar # .

For update your navbar and webiste slogan + navigation menu, you can change on this line code.

SITESLOGAN = 'Your site slogan here..'
SITE_INTRO = 'Your header intro text  here..'
    ("Your menu 1 name..", "Insert url for your menu 1 link here.."),
    ("Your menu 2 name..", "Insert url for your menu 2 link here.."),
    ("Your menu 3 name..", "Insert url for your menu 3 link here.."),
    ("Your menu 4 name..", "Insert url for your menu 4 link here.."),


SITESLOGAN = 'Minimals'
SITE_INTRO = 'Clean Minimalist and SEO themes for Pelician Project'
    ("Home", "/"),
    ("Page", "/pages/static-page.html"),
    ("Posts", "/archives.html"),
    ("Contact", "/pages/contact-us.html"),

Now for update footer area you can change this line code

    ("Your footer 1 goes here...."),
    ("Your footer 2 goes here...."),


    ("Clean Minimalist Pelican Themes Project - Develope by Creativitas -"),
    ("Hire developer on fiverr -"),

Post Display # .

Next you can change the number of post display on this line code.


just change with the number you want to display your lastest blog posts, and save it.

Folder Structure # .

The folder structure for minimals new pelican themes look like this

Static Folder # .

Static folder is for your media assets such image, pdf files and others, you can uplad image and all your files in to this folder. for use this static assets you can simply put /static/image/myphoto.jpg on your frontmatter markdown post.

Pages Folder # .

You need to create pages folder, this folder is using for your static page. For example for your about or contact page.

Posts Folder # .

For posts article you can use inside content folder, or create new folder for your blog posts article.

Writing Content # .

Pages Article # .

You can create new folder and name it with pages then access on content/pages and write your statci page content in this folder.

Create new Static Page # .

For create new article you can simply create new .md files, and name it with your own, for example and write your article.

Update Static Page # .

If you need to update or edit your article you can open your article and change with you needs.

Delete Static Page # .

For delete posts article you can simply delete .md files.

Frontmatter Static Page # .

frontmatter markdown concept for static page look like this

Title: Your page title here...
Date: Insert publih date here...
Description: Your intro header for static page in here...
Summary: Your description for static page in here...

Write your content in here...


Title: Contact Us
Date: 2024-02-03 10:20
Description: This is contact description on header
Summary: Contact description for SEO meta tag

# Creativitas Developer


Hire Developer on Fiverr:

Posts Article # .

You can access on content or create new folder posts and write your content in this folder.

Create new posts article # .

For create new article you can simply create new .md files, and name it with your own, for example and write your article.

Update posts article # .

If you need to update or edit your article you can open your article and change with you needs.

Delete posts article # .

For delete posts article you can simply delete .md files.

Markdown Posts Format # .

Frontmatter markdown format for posts article.

Title: Title goes here..
Image: URL or CDN image for cover in here..
Date: Add publih date in here..
Category: Insert Category in here..
Tags: insert all your tags with coma in here..
Authors: Your Author in here..
Summary: Description for SEO in here..
Description: Description for header area in here...

Write your article in here...


Title: Delpaos
Date: 2024-05-27 12:20
Category: Lorep
Tags: post1, hello, world, ipsum
Authors: Creativitas
Summary: Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.
Description: Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.

### Sed Ut Perspiciatis

Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam es

CLI Command # .

After you have create static page and update your site project, next you can run and test on your devices.

First Build for Production # .

For first we need to build production mode for your site , open terminal and run pelican content

Run Dev Mode # .

Next you can run your project , open terminal and run pelican --listen , of you need live reload so you can run this command pelican --autoreload --listen and access on localhost:8000 your web browser

Build Production # .

If you want upload to your host or deploy it, you can build for production mode , open terminal and run pelican content

Upload On Hosting # .

Next step you can upload on your own hosting for make your site live.

All Hosting # .

just upload the output the build production folder in to your host.

Github Pages Host # .

For github pages host, you need to create workflow.yml files , you can read how to run pelican on github pages here.

And thank you by using our source code project, we hope this project can help you for build Python JAMSTACK website fast secure and SEO.

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Project # .

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