Eleventy Web Dev # .

If you need to build a fast and sleek modern site, then you can use Eleventy 11ty.

With Eleventy it's easy for you to customize your project, we can set up and use Eleventy for all your website type needs, for example for company profiles, blogs, schools, portfolios, restaurants, car services, etc.

with 11ty we can work with markdown, or use JSON and JS to implement your article content data, making it easy to update your design or content with 11ty.

An automatic SEO injection script is ready to follow the title and description of your article, which will generate opengraph, twittercard and meta tags.

You can learn how eleventy work with our starter project , Download And Try 11ty Eleventy Now →

Leveraging JAMstack and Eleventy for Cutting-Edge Website Creation # .

In the fast-evolving world of web development, the need for fast, secure, and scalable websites has never been more pressing. This is where the JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) and the Eleventy static site generator come into play, offering a powerful combination for building modern, high-performance websites. Here’s why you should consider our website creation service that utilizes JAMstack and Eleventy.

What is JAMstack? # .

JAMstack is an architectural approach designed to make the web faster, more secure, and easier to scale. It focuses on pre-rendering content into static HTML files, which are then served directly by a Content Delivery Network (CDN). This approach eliminates the need for server-side rendering and databases, resulting in faster load times and enhanced security.

Introducing Eleventy # .

Eleventy, often pronounced "eleventy," is a simpler yet highly efficient static site generator (SSG) that has gained significant traction in the web development community. Here are some key reasons why Eleventy stands out:

Zero-Config Starting Point # .

Eleventy offers a zero-config starting point, making it incredibly easy to get started. You can begin building your site without the need for extensive configuration, allowing you to focus on your content and design from the outset.

Speed and Performance # .

Eleventy is exceptionally fast, both during builds and in the browser. It compiles your content into static HTML files without the need for client-side JavaScript bundles, which means your website loads quickly and performs well in Lighthouse audits. In fact, Eleventy outperforms many other SSGs in build times, making it an ideal choice for projects where speed is crucial.

Flexibility in Templating # .

One of the standout features of Eleventy is its support for up to ten different templating languages, including HTML, Markdown, Liquid, Nunjucks, Handlebars, Mustache, EJS, Haml, Pug, and JavaScript template literals. This flexibility allows you to choose the templating language that best fits your project’s needs and your personal preferences.

Full Control Over Output # .

Unlike some other SSGs, Eleventy does not inject its own markup into your pages. You have full control over the output, ensuring that your website’s HTML is exactly as you intend it to be. This level of control is particularly appealing to developers who value precision and customization.

Seamless Integration with Existing Directory Structure # .

Eleventy works seamlessly with your project’s existing directory structure. You don’t need to adhere to a specific directory layout; instead, you can use the structure that you are most comfortable with. This flexibility makes it easy to integrate Eleventy into your existing workflow.

Community and Support # .

Eleventy has a vibrant and supportive community. With extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources available, you can quickly get started and find help when you need it. The community-driven nature of Eleventy ensures continuous improvements and new features, making it a reliable choice for your web development needs.

Advantages of Using Eleventy # .

Developer Experience # .

Eleventy is designed with the developer experience in mind. It allows you to make your own decisions about the structure and tools you use, without imposing a rigid framework. This means you can start small and add features as needed, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Deployment and Testing # .

With Eleventy, deployment becomes straightforward. Since the output is pure static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can host your site anywhere that accepts static files. This includes popular JAMstack-specific hosting providers like Netlify and Vercel. Testing is also simplified, as you can load the HTML files directly in your browser or integrate automated testing tools like Cypress or Jest/Puppeteer.

No JavaScript Bundle Required # .

Unlike some other SSGs, Eleventy does not require the loading of a client-side JavaScript bundle to serve content. This approach ensures that your website remains fast and lightweight, enhancing the user experience significantly.

Why Choose Our Website Creation Service? # .

Our website creation service leverages the power of JAMstack and Eleventy to deliver high-performance, secure, and scalable websites. Here are some benefits you can expect:

  • Fast Build Times: With Eleventy, you get incredibly fast build times, ensuring your website is up and running quickly.
  • High Performance: Our websites are optimized for speed, ensuring fast load times and excellent Lighthouse scores.
  • Customization: We offer full control over the output, allowing you to tailor your website to your exact specifications.
  • Ease of Deployment: Hosting your website is simple, as the static HTML files can be served from any CDN or hosting provider.
  • Community Support: With a strong community behind Eleventy, you can rely on continuous support and updates.

Getting Started with Eleventy # .

To get started with Eleventy, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Initialize Your Project:

    npx @11ty/create index.md "# Heading"
  2. Run Eleventy:

    npx @11ty/eleventy --serve

    This command will compile your files and start a local development server.

  3. Configure Your Site: You can customize the input and output directories by creating a .eleventy.js configuration file.

    module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
      return {
        dir: {
          input: "src",
          output: "public",
  4. Add Content and Templates: Use your preferred templating language to create content files and templates. For example, you can create an index.md file with front matter and a layout.

    title: Hello World!
    layout: base.njk
    Thanks for reading!

By leveraging the power of JAMstack and Eleventy, our website creation service offers a robust, efficient, and highly customizable solution for building modern websites. Whether you're a developer looking for a streamlined workflow or a business seeking a high-performance online presence, Eleventy is the perfect choice. Contact us today to see how we can help you build a fast, secure, and scalable website with Eleventy.

Get Start Now develop your modern JAMSTACK site eleventy aka 11ty with us.

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